Who are you?

Why do you get up in the morning?

What does possess you to eat?

What brings you to drink coke?

The drink is crap. It rots teeth, destroys bodily organs and makes people fat. What is even worse you pay for it.

So why choose to drink it?

You don't.

Advertising has dictated your every thought. You are symptomatic automaton, driven by values sprouted by those of your children.

So why support it?

Given you support the tyranny you live in, you perpetuate the frustration by consuming more, deciding you are more valuable than he, or she.

If you are told 'enough' to enjoy coke, and drink it, then what about your identity. Theoretically you are an extremely malleable computer, told to perform certain functions. Lets take for example your emotions, if you are angry, why? Why are you angry? Is it because you are? Or is it because of monotonous and bombastic education that you consider truth? Your every emotion, reaction and thought are dictated by the crap that surrounds your mind. Why judge? Where does hate come from? Does it come from you? Does it? Or is it that you have seen hate and know what it is? A bad actor rendition of the emotion we all fear?

The sooner you realise that you are nothing, the better. Hate can only exist if we choose to let it exist. Realise that there is no wrong or right. There is no better or worse, there is only difference. Why feel guilty if you murder someone? Why let the monotony of past flood you with remorse, when really there is no good or bad only difference.

If you think I condone murder, reread what has been said.

Infringing upon the liberty of another is in fringing upon your own.


I cannot change your mind, only you can. That's why this exists infront of you. To spark further thought. To give you a perspective, that is not a $400 lounge. Is not a television, or a can of coke. If the system that lets you down is not working, choose not to participate.